I'm an Indie Game
Developer with roots in game modification and graphics design. I
started my game development career as a hobby, working on
modifications for an old Quake 3 engine game, and over time expanded
my skill set to include: limited programming, 3d modelling,
texturing, graphics design, writing and pretty much all of aspects
of game design and implementation.
I learnt to imagine,
conceptualise and create, all from the comfort of my own desk and in
my spare time. In that time I have worked on hundreds of projects,
most of which never saw the light of day, but several that did see
release, normally to critical acclaim.
I believe there is more
than one way to do things, and what works for me may not work for
others. This is one of the reasons why I choose to work
independently. I have however run development teams in the past when
need be. I also believe that video games are an art form, and not
simply a product of entertainment for sale. Something worth while
should attempt to be expressed through your game design and it
shouldn't be produced solely for profit.